Guide for PayPal service account
PayPal service account is a service which allows transferring and getting money from person to person
Without any problems using 2%-3% percent of the deal
In PayPal ex workers , we can see YouTube founder
Get in by clicking this banner
You will reach the next screen click on the sign up now In order to open account
Choosing the first option personal accounts for those who want to transfer and get money
Choosing the second option premier accounts for those who want to buy a lot using E-Bay
If you choose this option you will have to enter your credit card one time only
in order to make deals in future
Choosing business accounts for business founders
You must choose the country or region you live in
You must enter details in registration
First name
Last name
Address 1
Address 2 (Optional)
Postal code
Home Telephone
Work Telephone ((Optional
Mobile Telephone (Optional)
You must enter your email twice and your password twice
You must select 2 security questions and 2 security answers
Enter your details so you can always log on to PayPal
You must agree to the terms of license by choosing yes and then click on sign up
You if choose the second option now you will need to enter your credit card
Now , a welcome to paypal account service email will be sent to you
The main screen of your account:
In add founds , you can add your money by 2 ways
Using American bank account which is located in united states
By using credit card (the best option for Israel country)
you must enter your credit card and how much you give to your PayPal account
Send money option , pay anyone tab
Sending money to paypal account holders
Recipient's Email – entering the recipients email
Amount – how much money to send to him
Currency – which local coin to use
Category of Purchase
Email Subject (Optional)
Note ((Optional
Pay for EBay items tab – also can be done using eBay site
Request money option , create a money request tab
Asking a money from person you are serving
Recipient Email
Email Subject
Ending Comments:
If you have been cheated , if you didn't get the product you want after the payment
You are welcome to contact paypal
Paypal got a whole department which is dealing with cheating , and can bring you the money back
Opening paypal account is free of cost
The only payment is 2% - 3% percent for a deal
Don't try to open a fictional bank account paypal will get on it and will close your account
guide was written by
And translated to English by the Xpert.